C.H. Hanson's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways

C.H. Hanson's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways

It has been a wonderful year for C.H. Hanson, even in spite of all the social and health challenges in 2020. The purchase of Superior Tool, and ongoing growth of our family of exceptional product brands including: Palmgren, C.H. Hanson, Norse, and Hansco-Mark has been exciting to watch. With so many blessings, we want to give back a little and share the holiday season with you.

Join us in a little bit of fun with C.H. Hanson's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway. Beginning December 3rd, and running through December 14th we will be giving away some of our C.H. Hanson products as gifts every day. Some items fun and small, and others a bit bigger, but all in the spirit of a thankful Merry Christmas. Are you in for 12 days?

Just visit one of C.H Hanson's social channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), like a giveaway post, and tag a friend. It's that simple. We will be announcing the randomly chosen winners on our social channels, and here on our blog. The good news is it's easy, fun, non-habit forming, and recommended by 4 out 5 doctors. The fifth doctor opted to endorse our Superior Tool 12 Day Giveaway. You're welcome to participate in both give aways – double the fun!!

So join in and let's celebrate the best of the season, looking forward to a better 2021. Best of luck and Merry Christmas.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior” Luke 2:11

2025 © C.H. Hanson Company - All rights reserved. No portion of this site including text, graphics, image, icons or other elements may be copied or used without the expressed written consent of C.H Hanson. We make our best efforts to ensure specifications and product information is accurate. We assume no responsibility for information errors.